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- Return-Path: <adams@chuck.dallas.sgi.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Dec 93 22:09:39 -0600
- From: adams@chuck.dallas.sgi.com (Chuck Adams)
- To: qrp@Think.COM
- Subject: Club Lists
- December 26, 1993
- Gang,
- This is version 1.0 of the QRP Club List for this mailing group.
- Everyone save a copy of it. The next time someone queries the
- group for any information on clubs, send them this list. :-) If you
- have any modifications to this, please post it. This way, we
- can keep it current. I had started this list several times in
- the past few months because of the number of queries, but never
- got around to finishing it. Then along comes Richard Fisher, KI6SN,
- and does a bunch that I didn't know about. This list is a consolidation
- of both lists. His list appeared in the Jan '94 issue of World Radio.
- Reproduced here with permission of World Radio. Enjoy.
- These are in alphabetic order and do not represent any order of
- importance - politically, economically, or socially. :-)
- Name: Cleveland QRP Amateur Radio Club
- Date Founded: 1993
- Number of Members: 4
- Cost to Join: Free
- Annual Dues: None
- Publication Name and Frequency: None
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Bruce A. Wright, N8MWL
- P.O. Box 14052
- 410 Superior Ave.
- Cleveland, OH 44114-9998
- Name: G-QRP Club of Great Britain
- Date Founded: 1974
- Number of Members: 7,600
- Cost to Join: $12
- Annual Dues: $12
- Publication Name and Frequency: SPRAT - quarterly
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- G-QRP Club
- Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV
- St. Aidans Vicarage
- 498 2 Manchester Rd
- Rochdale, Lancs, OL11 3HE England
- Name: Illinois QRP Group
- Date Founded: 1992
- Number of Members: 22
- Cost to Join: Free
- Annual Dues: None
- Publication Name and Frequency: None
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Vikki Welch, WV9K
- 1307H N. Richmond Road
- McHenry, IL 60050-1461
- Name: Maryland Milliwatt Club
- Date Founded: 1992
- Number of Members: 2
- Cost to Join: By invitation only.
- Annual Dues: Not established
- Publication Name and Frequency: None
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Maryland Milliwatt Club
- 3052 Fairland Rd
- Silver Spring, MD 20904
- Name: MFJ 90's Radio Club
- Date Founded: 1993
- Number of Members: 20
- Cost to Join: Free
- Publication Name and Frequency: The Nineties - 6 to 10 issues annually
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Joseph Falcone, AA8HV
- 3000 Town Center, Suite 2370
- Southfield, MI 48075
- Name: Michigan QRP Club
- Date Founded: 1978
- Number of Members: 1,200
- Cost to Join: $7 US, $12 DX
- Annual Dues: $5 US, $10 DX
- Publication Name and Frequency: The Five Watter - quarterly (a.k.a. T5W)
- Net(s): MI-QRP Net, 0200Z Wednesdays 3.535MHz
- Mailing Address:
- Michigan QRP Club
- 654 Georgia
- Marysville, MI 48040
- Name: NorthWest QRP Club
- Date Founded: 1992
- Number of Members: 250
- Cost to Join: $10
- Annual Dues: None
- Publication Name and Frequency: The NWQ Newsletter - bimonthly
- Net(s): NWQRP Net, 0400Z Tuesdays 10.123
- 1530Z Saturdays 7.035MHz
- Mailing Address:
- Bill Todd, N7MFB
- NW QRP Club
- 4153 49th Ave. SW
- Seattle, WA 98116
- Name: NorthEastern Illinois QRP Society
- Date Founded: 1991
- Number of Members: 85
- Cost to Join: Free
- Annual Dues: None
- Publication Name and Frequency: NEIQS Newsletter - quarterly (SASE)
- Net(s): NEIQS Net, 0200Z Wednesdays 3.560MHz
- Mailing Address:
- Don Kozlovsky, KE9GG
- 28 W 256 Purnell Rd.
- West Chicago, IL 60185
- Name: NorCal (Northern California) QRP Club
- Date Founded: 1993
- Number of Members: 200
- Cost to Join: $5
- Annual Dues: $5
- Publication Name and Frequency: QRPp - quarterly
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Jim Cates, WA6GER
- 3241 Eastwood Road
- Sacramento, CA 95821
- Name: Oklahoma QRP Group
- Date Founded: 1988
- Number of Members: 40
- Cost to Join: Free
- Annual Dues: None
- Publication Name and Frequency: Oklahoma QRP - quarterly
- Net(s): Oklahoma QRP Net, 1430Z Sundays 7.060MHz
- Mailing Address:
- Oklahoma QRP Club
- Don Kelly, KA5UOS
- 703 W. 8th Street
- Edmond, OK 73034
- Name: QRP Amateur Radio Club International
- Date Founded: 1961
- Number of Members: 8,800
- Cost to Join: $12
- Annual Dues: $10
- Publication Name and Frequency: QRP Quarterly - quarterly
- Net(s): Bunch
- Mailing Address:
- Michael Bryce, WB8VGE, Publicity
- 2225 Mayflower NW
- Massilon, OH 44647
- Mike Kilgore, KG5F, Membership
- 2046 Ash Hill Road
- Carrollton, TX 75007
- Name: QRP Club of New England
- Date Founded: 1991
- Number of Members: 206
- Cost to Join: $10
- Annual Dues: $7
- Publication Name and Frequency: 72 - quarterly
- Net(s): QRP-NE SSB Net, 0200Z Tuesdays 3.855MHz
- Mailing Address:
- Jack Frake, NG1G
- P.O. Box 1153
- Barnard, VT 05031
- Name: St. Louis QRP Society
- Date Founded: 1987
- Number of Members: 32
- Cost to Join: Free
- Annual Dues: $12
- Publication Name and Frequency: The Peanut Whistle - quarterly
- Net(s): None
- Mailing Address:
- Keith Arns, KC0PP
- 2832 Pembroke
- Saint Charles, MO 63301
- ------cut here----------
- Chuck Adams, K5FO - CP60
- adams@sgi.com
- QRP ARCI Awards Chairman
- ======================================================================
- Some other information....
- The QRP Amateur Radio Club International (QRP ARCI)
- The world's oldest low power organization. Total membership over 8000, but
- probably only 1700 or so currently active, i.e. subscribe to the QRP
- Quarterly at the present time. Membership dues are $12 first time and $10
- (USA) annually in order to receive the Quarterly. Membership applications
- to Mike Kilgore, KG5F, 2046 Ash Hill Rd, Carrollton, TX 75007. Awards for
- WAS, WAC, DXCC for 25, 50, 75, and 100 countries. Kilo-mile per watt award
- for contact over 1,000 miles/watt. There is a QSO party upcoming in April,
- April 3-4, see March issue of QST or i can post details on friday.
- Michigan QRP Club
- Organized January 19, 1978. Membership Chairman, Michigan QRP Club, 654
- Georgia, Marysville, MI 48040. Membership dues are $7 first year and $5
- for each 12-month period thereafter. DX stations are $12 first year and
- $10 each 12-month period thereafter. Newsletter is The Five- Watter (T5W).
- March issue was 19 pages.
- G-QRP Club
- British QRP Club. Publishes SPRAT (Small Powered Radio Amateur
- Transmissions) on a quarterly basis. Membership to Luke Dodds, W5HKA, 2852
- Oak Forrest, Grapevine, TX 76051 and $12 per year. Membership of this club
- at 6,000 or so.
- New England QRP Amateur Radio Club (QRP-NE)
- Membership at 170, QRP-NE is 1 yr old. Annual dues are $10.00 for new
- members. Renewals are $7.00 per year. Membership includes a subscription
- to "72", the QRP-NE newsletter. Highlights: various meetings and forums,
- QRP Field Day, Technical editor, HB committee, NETs, Contests, Field Day,
- meeting at W1AW (where the rigs are turned down to 5 watts). [see
- qrp-ne.info for application form.]
- ======================================================================
- Date: Sat, 09 Jul 1994 23:09:07 -0400 (EDT)
- From: N8ET@delphi.com
- Subject: QRP Club Address List
- To: qrp@Think.COM
- Here is the list of QRP Club addresses I have built up.....
- ARCI c/o Mike Bryce, 2225 Mayflower NW, Massillon, OH 44647
- $12 for new US membership.
- CW Operators QRP Club, Kevin Zietz VK5AKZ, 41 Tobruk Ave., St.
- Marys SA 5042, AUSTRALIA A$14 for US membership. I accept new
- membership applications and renewals at Dayton Hamvention for
- this one.
- G-QRP Club c/o Mike Kilgore, KG5F, 2046 Ash Hill Rd.,
- Carrollton, TX 75007 $12 for new US membership
- Michigan QRP Club, Membership Chairperson, Michigan QRP Club, 654
- Georgia, Marysville, MI 48040 $7 for new US membership
- The Northwest QRP Club, Bill Todd N7MFB, 2418 55th Ave. SW,
- Seattle, WA 98116 $10 for new US membership.
- The QRP Club Of New England, Jack Frake NG1G, PO Box 1153,
- Barnard, VT 05031 $10 for new US membership.
- U-QRP Club, P.O. Box 100, Saransk - 31, RUSSIA 430031 Membership
- cost unknown at this time..... The newsletter is in Russian.
- NorCal QRP Club, Jim Cates WA6GER, 3241 Eastwood Rd., Sacramento,
- CA 95821 $5 US subscription.
- K5FO QRP Newsletter, Chuck Adams K5FO, Twilight Publishing Co.,
- 1301 W. Highway 407, Suite #353, Lewisville, TX 75067 $10
- per year for 12 issues
- St. Louis QRP Club, Keith Arns, KC0PP, 2832 Penbrooke Ln, St.
- Charles, MO 63301-0344
- Oklahoma QRP Club OK QRP Group, Don Kelly, Editor, 703 West 8th
- St., Edmond, OK 73003. No dues - but $10 donation per year
- helps cover costs.
- EA QRP Club, c/o Sr. Miguel Molina, Avenia Rio de Janeiro 123
- 2-1, 08016 Barcelona, Spain The newsletter is in Spanish.
- OK QRP Club, c/o OK1CZ, Petr Doudera, U 1.baterie 1, 162 00 Praha
- 6, Czech Republic - 15 irc's or $10 for an annual subscription.
- The newsletter has English translations for most of the text.
- WI QRP Club PO Box 111, Brandon, WI 53919-0111 Dues voluntary -
- $5 to $10 suggested.
- Central Pennsylvania QRP Society, Cameron Bailey, KT3A, PO Box
- 173, Mount Wolfe, PA 17347-0173
- Colorado QRP Club, Rich High, W0HEP, 14261 E. 4th Ave. #161,
- Aurora, CO 80011-8711
- Let me know if there are any mistakes....
- 72/73 - Bill - N8ET
- anga US
- n8et@delphi.com